Emma Rasmussen Emma Rasmussen

Thin or Fun?

I’m bored. It’s a Friday night and I’m at home watching an episode of CSI. A woman is being held in a dark, damp cellar, her limbs bound, mouth taped shut.

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Emma Rasmussen Emma Rasmussen

Life On A Timetable

I am thirty-two and living the life of a child. The only two keys on my chain are the ones to my parent’s house.

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Emma Rasmussen Emma Rasmussen

Expensive Sex

Sex costs. First, there are the drinks. You don’t really know him, and actually, you’re still not sure you like him, but you’d like something.

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Emma Rasmussen Emma Rasmussen


Last Tuesday my friend swiped the lock to her boyfriend’s iPad and found, in amongst the pictures of Tenerife, Old Trafford and pulled pork in a bun…a vagina.

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Emma Rasmussen Emma Rasmussen

Thinking Outside the Block

It’s the chair’s fault I can’t write. It’s an absurd choice! The seat is so high my thighs cut into the little, pine desk.

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Emma Rasmussen Emma Rasmussen

Crunch Time

I have a disorder. I used to flatter myself by calling it a mild case of Asperger’s or Autism, but its real name is ‘Intolerance’.

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